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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

So much to post!

I have so many things from the past three months to talk about from breast feeding trials and tribulations, to baby poop, to formulas (no not algebraic as I found out), to baby gear, to actually leaving the house with a newborn. AND we will get to all that, however the activities of the day have left me with a nagging feeling to write about something I am sure every new mom worries about, or has worried about. That topic is, will I EVER get my pre-baby body back?! I know, I know a bit superficial, and the body change is totally worth the AWESOMENESS that comes from having a child, but SERIOUSLY somedays I just want my body back!!
So to that end I tried to schedule in gym time, or running time but that proved to be too difficult with the little one. I was fretting about childcare at the gym and the heat in Tucson being too much to pull down the jogging stroller out of the garage (not to mention the fact that a child isn't really supposed to be in a jogging stroller without an infant adapter until 6 mos (another little dandy I found in my internet research).
With exercise being HARD to fit in and my husband working crazy hours (so not a reliable babysitter) I turned to MORE internet research and found TRACY ANDERSON! She is this little, tiny energetic blonde who truly puts the energizer bunny to shame. She trains many celebrities, and she has a gorgeous body. Not to mention she strives to shape women's bodies into dancer like physiques. All of this and I could do it in my living room! Even better. So to that end, I tirelessly geared up for the videos to get here: new shoes, 3 lb weights, a yoga mat- all in hopes that this will lead me back to the body I knew before pregnancy.
I am in day 5 of the workouts and it is intense to say the least, however, I feel more energized than ever. Even though sometimes I can't make it through the routines ( I had to give up exercise during my pregnancy due to complications). The main one being my HUGE, FAT cankles. Remind me to talk about the cankles later... Who I am kidding, the woman is HIGH energy, I couldn't have made it through her routines when I was in shape. She just jumps around and does crazy amounts of reps to exhaust the muscles (She calls this the muscle exhaustion series and threatens that you cannot miss a move, but she is threatening from in the TV, so kind of an empty threat). I often find myself arguing with her, "NO you do 5 more; I am EXHAUSTED."
This morning, however I was reminded of the real reason that I want and need to stay fit. I want to be there for my daughter and I want to be able to keep up with her, dance with her, run with her and after her, lift her, spin her. I want to be vital and a role model for her.
Sawyer was watching me workout this morning, and she was trying to do the moves. It was adorable... and made me realize, its not about my body at all. It is about everything that I want to be for her.  So that makes the kale chips (which are not at all like potato chips), crazy workouts, and less wine all worth it. xoxo

Below is a video Luke took of Sawyer working out with me! Talk about motivation. (Daddy picked the beanie).

1 comment:

  1. Shea, the dancing video is some seriously cute stuff. And seriously?? You look plenty amazing to me! Thanks for sharing the video! Totally put a smile on my face!
